Purveyors of Custom Assembly & Test Machines

PURITAN has been building production test systems for over sixty years, tailoring our designs to accommodate the new and ever-changing philosophies and principles of assembly and production-test.
leak testing
mechanical functional test
electronic functional test
resonance and harmonics
vision systems
Some examples of our design and build capabilities can be seen below:

Electro-Hydraulic Automotive Component Validation and Test System
Our client was developing a windshield wiper fluid heater and required a mid-development laboratory hydraulic test stand to validate various development changes to a prototype part.
The test system stores and delivers test fluid (washer fluid) to the device under test (DUT). Pressure, flow and temperature of the fluid are regulated and monitored. Heated fluid is cooled by the test stand and returned to the storage tank.
The quiescent and operating currents and voltages of the DUT are monitored, and a programmable DC power supply simulates vehicle battery voltage.
The complete system is controlled using National Instruments hardware and custom software written in LabView.
The software capability includes report generation to a local color printer.

Automotive Accessory Heater Test and Development System

This client required a test system to validate pre-production automotive heater components.
The engine-accessory DUT is driven by a variable speed AC motor mounted on the base of the test stand, via a serpentine belt.
Comprehensive data measurement of the part is conducted, including multiple flow meters, precision temperature and pressure, voltages and current, and CAN communication.
The system includes a portable heating and cooling module that simulates an engine’s cooling system.
High Speed Motor / Gear-Motor (Windshield Wiper Motor) Test System
This client required a flexible test system that could accommodate multiple configurations of motor or gear-motor.
The test system incorporates two test fixtures monitored and operated by a single control system.
Each fixture includes a Hysteresis Brake, high-speed servomotor, two in-line torque transducers, and speed measurement.
The fixtures are equipped with quick change DUT tooling, and guarding in case of component failure.

High Speed Door and Seat Test Systems

PURITAN has designed and built seat test systems for both production and research activities.
This Tier 1 Automotive Component manufacturer required door and seat test systems for operation in climatic chambers and in compliance with rigorous OEM test standards.
The seat tester required an SAE Butt Form to be oscillated in three axes at very high frequency.
Cutting-edge precision linear motors were utilized, equipped with torque transducers and laser measurements devices.
The system is equipped with retractable hydraulic casters for maneuverability, a work surface to accommodate single and bench seating, and a portable chiller to condition motor temperature.
High Speed Roller Fatigue Test System (Cam Lobe)
This Tier 1 supplier required a laboratory-grade test system to evaluate the performance of various bearing designs and configurations.
The test system utilizes a 8,000 RPM servomotor that carries a spindle and chuck assembly to drive the DUT.
A 2300 PSI hydraulic power pack equipped with an electronic pressure control system, provides hydraulic pressure to three linear slides.
The linear slides carry precision rollers that apply lateral force - 120 degrees apart - to the DUT. Application force is calculated, monitored and controlled by fluid pressure measurement and cylinder cross section area.
The system includes bearing lubrication, misting abatement, and front-end controls utilizing National Instruments hardware and LabView.

High Speed Dual-Door Latch Test System
(Climatic Chamber-rated)

PURITAN has designed and built several door latch test systems. The machine shown provides two simulated door masses that carry the latch assembly being tested.
The machine tooling operates the internal and external latch levers and lift-pulls, as well as the articulation of the doors.
Latch velocity and rate-of-change of velocity are measured by accelerometers mounted on the simulated doors.
All latch levers are also equipped with load cells and torque transducers where necessary.
Electric Power-assisted Steering Module Test System
Often, an ECU or body control module requires the simulation of the surrounding conditions to effectively test the device.
In the case of this 42-volt Electric PAS (EPAS) system, test fixturing was designed that incorporated the various steering components, including a Hystereisis Brake that simulated the resistive load of the steering wheel.
The actual device under test (DUT) was the electronic body module (not shown and remotely mounted in a climatic oven) that controlled the steering system.
The peripheral equipment stimulated the module using real vehicle components.